Stuart McPherson - HORSE

Stuart McPherson - HORSE


Sunday 23 March 2025

  • Price

    from £15.00
  • Doors:

  • Starts:

  • Finishes:

    22:10 approx
  • Duration:

    100 mins approx
  • Age

    18 And Above



Show Information

Please note, unless otherwise stated, all of our performances are strictly over 18s only

Live Nation in association with Sophie Chapman Talent presents

An hour of laughs and self-analysis from one of Scottish comedy’s rising stars.

Stuart McPherson is an award-winning stand-up comedian, writer and actor. As well as writing and performing acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe shows with Monkey Barrel Comedy, he is probably best known for appearing in the Scottish BAFTA winning comedy SCOT SQUAD (BBC), as well as working on the programme as lead story producer and script editor.

As a stand-up, Stuart has supported Larry Dean and John Kearns on tour and won Best Newcomer at the Scottish Comedy Awards. He has performed stand-up on the TV programmes EDINBURGH UNLOCKED (BBC), and THE COMEDY UNDERGROUND (BBC) as well as appearing as a panellist on programmes such as BREAKING THE NEWS (BBC), BAD INFLUENCER (BBC) and SANJEEV KOHLI’S BIG TALK (BBC) as well as BBC Radio Scotland’s THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UNEXPECTED and STOP THE PRESS. Stuart also co-hosts the podcasts SOME LAUGH, and WHAT’S THE SCRIPT?

'If you’ve never seen his stand-up, it’s time to make that right' (Times).

'Such a skilled raconteur, he has a remarkable hit-rate of gags' (Rolling Stone).

★★★★ Scotsman

★★★★ Skinny

★★★★ Sunday Post


FB: stuartmcphersoncomedy | X: StuartMcP | Insta: stuartmcpherson_

Venue Details

The Stand Comedy Club Newcastle

31 High Bridge, Newcastle, NE1 1EW

0191 232 0707